| 1. | You ' d know it don ' t pay to shoot your mouth off at me 你就会知道你信口开河要付代价的 |
| 2. | You ' d know it don ' t pay to shoot your mouth off at me 你就会知道你信口开河要付代价的 |
| 3. | After the way you ' ve been shooting your mouth off 夸下海口后又害怕了 |
| 4. | If you shoot your mouth off like that one more time , i won ' t tell you anything in the future 要是你再这么胡说八道,以后我什么也不告诉你了 |
| 5. | If you shoot your mouth off like that one more time , i won ' t tell you anything in the future 要是你下次再这么胡说八道,以后我什么也不告诉你了。 |
| 6. | If you shoot your mouth off like that one more time , i won ' t tell you anything in the future 现在谁都知道了我们想干什么,股票的价格一下上涨了百分之四十。 |
| 7. | We were hoping to keep the party a secret . what made you go and shoot your mouth off about it 对晚会一事,我们想保守秘密的。你怎么搞的,口无遮拦,随随便便地就把它说出去了? |
| 8. | Secondly , that if you are smug and if you are constantly shooting your mouth off for the whole world to hear about how lucky you are to have something , eventually the world will get sick of you and the universe will conspire to rip the carpet out from underneath you 第二,如果你在自鸣得意,如果你经常大谈特谈,要全世界听你有某些东西是多么的幸运,最终这世界将讨厌你,这宇宙将共谋撕掉你躲藏在它下面的地毯(让你无地自容) 。 |